Make no mistake; business professionals at all levels periodically experience self-doubt and anxiety. Nothing brings these periods of critical self-reflection and analysis on quite so quickly as when significant career challenges are encountered. The fear of losing a job, losing a job, a lousy work assignment, and being passed over for promotion are common adverse triggering events. Conversely, positive events can also be triggering, including landing a new job and managing others who were previously peers.
In challenging times, some professionals obsess over minutia and every career-related decision. Others focus exclusively on situational factors in search of answers and understanding. And still, others look internally for insight and solutions. Some coping mechanisms are helpful, and others are ultimately self-defeating.
Regardless of the initial approach taken, most professionals benefit tremendously from the objectivity, insight, and guidance provided by our experienced Executive Coaches. We work closely with clients to craft and execute personalized Career Roadmaps using proven coaching techniques and targeted psychological assessments.
Some of the more frequently reported career-related challenges are outlined below. Do any of them look familiar? Might you benefit from some focused Executive Coaching?
I Keep Getting Passed Over
For Promotion
​Employees who struggle to get promoted often assume that their careers have stalled and drastic action is required to advance. Rather than stagnate in their current role, they opt to "jump ship" and join another company. In some cases, this is the right move to get their careers back on track. However, more often than not there are legitimate reasons why advancement is not forthcoming.
I Just Got A Lousy
Work Assignment
Even the most engaged and industrious employees resent the assignment of tedious and monotonous tasks. Who can blame them? Often the situation is unavoidable, but troubling questions still abound. Why was I selected to do this? Did I do something wrong? Am I being punished? How do I get this task reassigned? We have all been there and know how it feels - lousy!
I'm About To Get Fired
We all seek to maintain control over our careers. Organizational restructuring efforts, change initiatives, strained manager relationships, and unrealistic performance goals can challenge your sense of control and value. You don't want to be fired, downsized, or let go. As uncertainty in the job increases and stress levels skyrocket, your job security becomes of paramount concern.
I Just Lost My Job
After many successful years in a major corporation, it finally happened - you were let go! You have seen many of your colleagues "transitioned out" of the organization, and now it's your turn. Your sense of anger, betrayal, and disappointment is overwhelming. You are not sure how to behave or feel - you put a brave face on things.
I Just Landed The Job, But Don't Know Where To Begin
So you got the job and "What do I do now?" is the question foremost on your mind. At first, you ask it in jest, but after a few days on the job when pressures of the new role become ever more apparent, finding a satisfactory answer to this question is not as easy as it sounds.
I Now Manage My Peers And I Am Having A Hard Time
As difficult as it is to be successful in a new leadership role, things quickly get complicated when you are asked to manage those who were previously your peers or superiors. A whole new set of problems enter the manager-employee equation in these situations. Training is rarely provided to help navigate the unique and trying challenges that will no doubt encountered.
If any of the above sound familiar, and you are open to critically evaluating and getting your career back on track contact us now. You will be glad you did!