Interpersonal conflict, inadequate communication, low team morale, and strained manager-employee relationships are prevalent in organizations struggling with people issues. Employees and managers alike expend excessive physical and emotional energy navigating multi-faceted interpersonal and intrapersonal hurdles. In fact, recent studies suggest that managers spend up to 60% of their time dealing with people issues.
Even the most technically gifted managers are often woefully ill-equipped to address people-related issues. In fact, many promising careers are derailed by underdeveloped interpersonal and people management skills. Deficiencies become ever more apparent as leaders climb the corporate ladder.
The dissonance caused by knowing deep down that something is amiss and not knowing how to address it can be overwhelming. Leaders are often reluctant to seek assistance as they incorrectly assume it is an acknowledgment of weakness. Often, they are especially cautious about engaging their internal Human Resources partners.
Managers tend to get "wrapped around the axle" because they either ignore or try to keep these somewhat amorphous issues hidden. In effect, they hope no one will notice and that the problems will magically self-resolve. In our experience, the challenges, when not addressed directly and systematically, fester and invariably resurface to wreak havoc. It is just a matter of time and severity.
Our team helps leaders navigate, and address these confusing, frustrating and often highly emotionally-charged challenges. Some of the more frequently reported people challenges are outlined below. Schedule a call with a Transformation Advisor to learn more.
I Work In A Toxic Work Environment
At some point in their careers, all professionals have worked in a toxic work environment. And, most of us have the scars to prove it. Narcissistic managers, "emotional vampires" and bullying colleagues make life miserable for those unfortunate enough to be trapped in these soul-destroying jobs. Going to work each day is torturous and finding a solution seems impossible.
I Work For A Micromanager Who Can't Get Out Of The Weeds
The most frequently cited complaint we hear, year-over-year, is "I report to a meddling and overbearing micromanager." Always being told what to do and having no decision-making authority over the most trivial of matters is incredibly stifling and stressful. Even the most patient and dutiful professionals struggle in such situations. Many interacting factors must be considered carefully when developing effective strategies for dealing with micromanagers.
I Am Afraid To Express My Opinions For fear Of Reprisal
Some people work in highly-restrictive and dysfunctional business environments where they cannot express their professional opinions openly. They live in constant fear of retribution and report an overwhelming sense of powerlessness. Usually, the source of this fear is the immediate manager, but in some cases, peers and even subordinates create this oppressive work environment. No one wants to work under such conditions, but unfortunately, many professionals are trapped in this suffocating situation and see no way out.
Our Leadership Team Is Dysfunctional
Members of dysfunctional leadership teams often turn a blind eye to their shortcomings. Rather than address the challenges that are apparent to all, they go through the motions pretending nothing is wrong. The lack of clarity in purpose, commitment to team goals, and accountability are often compounded by a decided absence of trust. This lethal combination of dysfunctions all but doom the team to failure.
Morale Is Low
And Falling Fast
In addition to sharing a strong sense of purpose and esprit de corps, teams with high morale consist of engaged employees working closely together to achieve stated goals and objectives. Such team members are keenly aware of, and sensitive, to any threats to morale. Successful managers proactively nurture morale and are vigilant in addressing any threats to the team dynamic. They realize that even a small drop in moral can result in a precipitous drop in overall team performance.
Cross-functional Collaboration Is Non-existent In My Company
Managers and employees often over-identify with their immediate functional areas at the expense of company-level performance. They lose sight of the big picture and resist working collaboratively with other departments. Ultimately, this approach is self-defeating, and everyone suffers. The example set by executive management, largely determines whether the company reinforces a collaborative or competitive culture.
People challenges are often the most difficult to address due to their somewhat sensitive and emotionally charged nature. Are you ready to engage a professional to guide you through your people challenges?