Our clients use emotionally charged and often very colorful language when describing the challenges they encounter in the workplace. Most are keenly aware when something significant is wrong, but few possess the necessary experience and perspective to assess and address the underlying issues successfully.
They seek objective insight and guidance to isolate, understand, and navigate the specific Purpose, People, and Process challenges they face.
Some of the more commonly reported challenges are listed below. Do any of the following examples resonate with you and your particular situation? If yes, take the first step in addressing these challenges, by scheduling an introductory call with a Transformation Advisor.
You are not alone - all professionals experience these kinds of challenges at some point.
"People are afraid to openly express their views and opinions, for fear of reprisal."
"People are more concerned about protecting their turf than doing what is right for the customer and company."
"This is not the company it used to be - we used to value and respect our employees."
"Recent structural changes have caused tremendous confusion and frustration - we do not know how or whether we fit into the new way of doing business."
"I work in a toxic environment where internal and cross-functional conflict is making it impossible to get my job done."
"My manager is out of his depth and avoids conflict like the plague."
"We argue like cats and dogs but never resolve the underlying issues."
"The conflict and tension within our team are palpable making it impossible to share and discuss opinions and ideas freely."
"Passive aggressiveness is prevalent and no one knows how to address it."
"Information withholding is standard practice - everything, no matter how trivial, is treated on a need-to-know basis."
"Gossiping and rumor-mongering are rampant."
"Communication is non-existent, and we can't separate fact from fiction."
"We need to have more face-to-face interactions, enough with the emails and texts!"
"We have no guiding strategy and spend most of our time chasing our tails."
"We do not have clear goals and objectives."
"My manager will not address team performance issues. She has her head buried in the sand."
"Everyone is just "going through the motions" - few care about getting the job done."
"We don't have any performance metrics in place - all ratings are highly subjective or based upon personal relationships."
"No one takes accountability for their actions - it is a free-for-all."
"Timelines slip over and over again without any consequences."
"I am responsible for everything and have neither the authority nor the resources to execute."
"My peers take no responsibility for their actions."
"I hate going to work each day - I need a change."
"Why do I keep getting passed over for promotion?"
"I keep getting lousy work assignments - what am I doing wrong?"
"I feel like I am about to get fired and don't know what to do?"
"My team is dysfunctional and can't get out of its own way!"
"My team members do not trust each other."
"Our team morale is low and dropping fast."
"Poor interpersonal relationships are preventing us from executing effectively."
"Not only is cross-functional collaboration non-existent, we actively work against each other."
"I work for a micromanager who can't get out of the weeds."
"No matter what I do, my manager is never satisfied"
"My manager is an abusive tyrant and I am at my wit's end."
"My manager will not address bad behaviors and poor performance."
"My manager does not know how or when o delegate."
"I just got promoted, but I am not sure where to begin."
"I keep getting feedback that I need to be more of a people-oriented leader."
"I need to do a better job engaging and motivating my team."
"I am told I am both too close or not close enough to my team - who should I believe?"